Bruneau, Michel's books list

No.TitlePublish Year
1.Ray et Utilisation des Terres Hautes dans la Thailande Septentrionale1972
2.L'Apparition du Fait Urbain dans le Nord de la Thailande1975
3.Villages Karen du Nord-Ouest de la Thailande: Etude Geographique1967
4.Un Village du Nord de la Thailande: Ban Muang Wa
5.Recherches sur l'Organisation de l'Espace dans le Nord de la Thailande1980
6.Land Ownership and Tenure, Relations of Production and Social Classes in the Rural Areas of Northern Thailand (1966-1976), from Thai-European Seminar on Social Change in Contemporary Thailand1980
7.An Interpretation of Northern Thailand Swiddening and Multiple Cropping Systems Using Multidate Landsat Images and Computer Compatible Tapes1978
8.Changes in the Mode of Production, Process and Trend : Making of Regions in an Historical Perspective (Theoretical Approach), from Second Thai-European Research Seminar1982